After visiting many doctors, multiple enemas in only one month, tons of laxatives, and pushing and pushing many hours, my 1 year old baby, improved after 4 days we started a special meal plan with Mercedes; now, she is pupping by herself!. But not only that, she also improved in different areas such as her mood, her attention span and her relationship with her sister. P.. is still on treatment and I blessed the day we start this road.
(translated from Spanish. Karen, mom to P, age 2.)
A year ago, my children were burning in fever during christmas eve because the flu. They were sick for over 3 months with "colds". On top of that, my older son was taking antibiotics most of the time. This year has been so much better since they have fight the ocasional sickness with a stronger immune system. Now, they are enjoying this christmas. Thank you million times Mercedes.
(translated from Spanish, Andrea, mom to J and S, age 5 and 2)
My son was diagnosed with Autism when he was 23 months old. I was confused, scared, and with tons of questions in my head. I contacted Mercedes to have an online consultation and by that time my son onlye ate pediasure, milk, cereal, and some fruits. My baby cried a lot, always with colics, abdominal pain, and he had chronic constipation. I was giving him a lot of sugar but I dondt know. Now, my son eats everything healthy and natural. My families diet improve tremendously because we also learnt to eat better. Thank you so much Mercedes
(translated from Spanish, Yohana, mom to X, age 2)
The first thing I would like to say is that Mercedes is light and she has lighted up our lives, she has filled our minds with information when we were filled of fears. We are so lucky to have found her. She has been professional .but also warm and special. Mercedes taught us that with a little bit of effort we could reach big changes. We jump from having a sad baby that cried a lot, who slept only two or three hours, with vomits and diarrhea. A disconnected child with no eye contact either responded to his own name. Now, my baby is happy, he signs, he participates, with a better digestive system. I would definitely recommend Mercedes since she is very knowledgeable and always looking for the last update. Mercedes, thank you so much.
(translated from Spanish, Patricia, mom to M, age 2)