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Foto del escritorMercedes Benadivas RD/LDN

6 tips para evitar perder el norte durante este encierro.


Entonces, mientras esperamos que el mundo se vuelva a poner en su lugar, y ya mis deseos es que por lo menos sea igual que antes, te quiero traer unos tips que para muchos serán recordatorio y para otros serán nuevos. Sin embargo, todos son perfectamente aplicables especialmente ahora que todos en la casa tenemos un poco mas de tiempo, así que qué mejor momento para entrenar que este no?

1. Mosca con los snacks!

Es muy común ahora que no tenemos horario ni fecha en el calendario perder un poco la rutina. Entonces lo que era antes desayuno ahora es merienda y asi sucesivamente a lo largo del dia. Peroooo resulta que una de las cosas que puede hacernos perder el norte es la de estar merendeando todo el dia sin control absoluto. Entonces, mi recomendacion aqui es limitar la cantidad de meriendas que ofreces entre comidas y dejar bien claro cuando es DESAYUNO cuando es ALMUERZO cuando es CENA y cuando son las MERIENDAS.

En una de mis publicaciones anteriores, deje un plan de menu sencillito para que puedas organizar la semana. Porque sera? Ah, muy sencillo, si lo tienes escrito es mas facil de que se cumpla, por lo menos esto pasa conmigo. Siempre digo en mi casa, si esta escrito tiene que pasar! Asi que por aqui les dejo este plan para los que no hayan tenido la oportunidad de descargarlo


Estoy con ustedes, esta cocinadera es horrible! No termino el almuerzo y ya estoy descongelando la cena!! Sinceramente para llorar! Asi que porfavor, por tu bienestar mental y psicologico, cocina extra y congela! Sobre todo los proteicos: pollo, carne, pescado, pavo. Es decir, si vas a cocinar pollo guisado, has porciones extra y guardalas en el congelador, asi tendras siempre reserva. Esto lo hago muchisimo con mis empandas de yuca. Hago 20-25 empanadas y a congelar! Las coloco en una bandeja derechita, las meto en el congelador y cuando estan duras como una roca, las paso a una bolsa ziploc y asi mismo las guardo en el congelador. Muchas mananas antes de irme a correr, simplemente prendo el horno a 385F, las meto en el horno y alli las dejo hasta que regreso de hacer ejercicio que es mas o menos 45min. Taran! Desayuno listo


No me digan que ya no tienen tiempo. Por lo menos 1 al dia! Sientense todos juntos a comer y a disfrutar! La comida familiar ayuda a sus hijos a crear vinculos y anclas con sus valores! Asi que a comer todos juntitos!


Si! Este es el momento de reconocer cuales son los alimentos que sabes que tu hijo no comera y cuales si! Y sobre todo cuales el esta dispuesto a probar asi que ve por ellos


Ignorar conductas inadecuadas y aplaude o premia conductas adecuadas. Mientras más tu hijo se de cuenta que tu le das mas importancia a esas coductas disruptivas, entonces el mas se va a encargar de hacerlas. Miralo asi, es una excelente manera de mantener a mama cerca y pendiente de mi!


Esta es definitivamente la mas importante! Ser realista! Ten en cuenta que durante este tiempo la mayoria de los ninos se encuentran sin recibir terapias, las mismas son herramienta fundamental que nos ayuda a direccionar todos estos problemas sensoriales tan comunes en estos ninos. Asi que ser realista te va a ayudar a no solo no frustrarse sino a saber que ofrecer a tu hijo. Siempre sirve una porción de aquello que sabes que le gusta (cada vez disminuye la cantidad) junto con uno que sepas que es nuevo asi tu hijo no sentirá la amenaza de que todo lo agrede!

Bueno mami, espero de corazon que te haya podido ayudar y que estos tips o recomendaciones sean de uso para tu casa. Recuerda que tambien ofrezco consulta personalizada

Por otro lado, aqui te dejo el enlace acerca de cuales son las leyes ofrecen acomodaciones dieteticas a los ninos dentro del espectro aqui en usa

Las quiero!

----- ENGLISH ----

Surely, many of you or all, are locked up in their homes or with very limited access to the outside world. Unfortunately, these are very difficult times in which we are all affected in one way or another and much more so our children who are not only not allowed to go to parks freely and naturally but also going to their schools to have free and natural contact with their friends as always! Knowing that this contact with children of their age is essential for the acquisition of social skills. Not to mention academic performance

Well .. Let's keep waiting for normality to come back ...

So, while we wait for the world to put itself back in its place, I want to bring you some tips that for many will be a reminder and for others they will be new. However, they are all perfectly applicable especially now that everyone in the house has a little more time, so what better time to train than this one?


It is very common now that we are nor rushing to lose a little routine. So what was before breakfast is now a snack and so on throughout the day. But it turns out that one of the things that can make us lose our north is that of having a snack all day without absolute control. So, my recommendation here is to limit the number of snacks you offer between meals and make it very clear when it is BREAKFAST when it is LUNCH when it is DINNER and when it is SNACKS.

In one of my previous posts, I share a link to download a simple menu plan so you can organize the week. Why will it be? Ah, very simple, if you have it written it is easier for it to be fulfilled, at least this happens to me. I always say in my house, if this writing has to happen! So here I leave this plan for those who have not had the opportunity to download it


I'm with you, this cooking time is horrible! I'm not finishing lunch and I'm already defrosting dinner !! I'm in tears! So please, for your mental and psychological well-being, cook extra and freeze! Especially protein: chicken, meat, fish, turkey. That is, if you are going to cook stewed chicken, get some extra portions and store them in the freezer, so you will always have reserve. I do this a lot with my empanadas. I make 20-25 empanadas and freeze! I put them in a straight tray in the freezer and when they are hard as a rock, I put them in a ziploc bag in the freezer. Many mornings before I go for a run, I just turn on the oven at 385F, put them in the oven and leave them there until I come back from exercising which is 45min. Taran! The Breakfast is ready


Don't tell me you don't have time anymore. At least 1time a day! Everyone sit down to eat and enjoy! Family meals help your children create bonds and anchors with their values! So let's eat all together!


Yes! This is the time to recognize which foods you know your child won't eat and which ones they do! And above all which he is willing to try so go for them


Ignore inappropriate behaviors and applaud or reward appropriate behaviors. The more your child realizes that you give more importance to these disruptive behaviors, then the more he will be in charge of doing them on purpose. Look at it like this, it is an excellent way to keep mom close and aware of me!


This is definitely the most important! Be realistic! Keep in mind that during this time most children are without therapies, they are a fundamental tool that helps us address all these sensory problems so common in these children. So being realistic will help you not only not get frustrated but also to know what to offer your child. Always serve a portion of what you know he likes (and decrease the amount little by little) along with one that you know is new so your child will not feel the threat that everything will attack him!

Also, here is the link to all the accommodations for children with special dietary needs when they are enrolled in the public school system in USA

Well mom, I hope from the heart that I have been able to help you and that these tips or recommendations are of use for your home. Remember that I also offer personalized consultation

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